The bread and butter of church life at CrossWay is corporate worship on Sunday mornings and small group gatherings during the week. Our community groups are a context where we build relationships and care for each other by prayer and study of the week’s sermon; this is where we dive deep into God’s Word and into one another’s lives in smaller gatherings, bringing support, application, and encouragement as we follow Christ together. Some groups choose to meet separately as men and women on certain weeks, providing a familiar and intimate context for men’s and women’s ministry to take place.

Community groups meet each week on a weeknight and are open to anyone 15 years of age or older. If you are interested in attending a community group, feel free to contact one of the leaders pictured below.

Tim & Roxanne Bailey, Crestview

Bailey Community Group

Eddie & Lynda Jammer, Crestview

Jammer CG

Andy & Lynn Wilson, Crestview

Wilson CG

Tom & Dorothy Green, Crestview

Green CG

Rob & Cassie Tynan, Niceville

Tynan CG