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When you arrive, you will be greeted by some of our members who would love to learn your name and welcome you to our church. We are people who come from all sorts of traditions and walks of life, so you will see people dressed in anything from jeans and flip-flops to suits and ties! At any time, look for someone with an usher name-tag if you need assistance or have questions.

Our Sunday service begins at 10:00 am with weekly announcements and a call to worship from God’s Word. Then we spend time as a corporate body singing our praises and prayers to God. We sing both time-tested hymns and newly written songs which lead our hearts to adoration and remind our souls of truth. After singing, we spend several minutes in a pastoral prayer over our church, community, world, and mission, and then take a brief break for fellowship and for our little ones to go to their classes, if desired.

We uphold the preaching of God’s Word as one of the most important things we do each week, so we gladly dive into the sermon together after the break. At CrossWay, we practice what is called expository preaching, working through whole books of the Bible together, passage-by-passage. This keeps us grounded in the gospel and prevents us from missing any of God’s message for us. We close our meeting with another song, and occasionally will spend time in prayer to minister to one another.

If you have children, we would love to serve you and your little ones. We have furnished a room with live video feed for mothers who need to tend to their infants during the morning. Children are always welcome to remain with their parents during the sermon, but we do have a nursery and a class for children through kindergarten if you wish to make use of that after corporate singing. Our elementary Sunday School meets at 9:00 am before our worship service begins, so those children remain with us during the preaching.

Now that you know what to expect, find out where to join us on Sundays.